Kate Hart, BS, FNTP, RWS

hey there, Nutritional Therapy Practitioner

Kate here.

I started this thing called Whole Nourished Soul

All too often the wellness & nutrition industry is confusing, convoluted, and dogmatic — you won’t find that approach here. I’m anti-diet and pro-YOU. I help you heal through a personalized, holistic approach that emphasizes the intrinsic connection between your mind ✴︎ body ✴︎ spirit.

Whether you struggle with kicking a late-afternoon sugar craving, or you think you’re doing “all the right things” nutrition-wise, but still feel constantly tired, bloated, and gassy, I’m passionate about uncovering it all and healing the root cause.

Why I do what I do

Playing a part in helping people heal & feel good without the toxic BS from the diet & wellness culture just feels like something I gotta spend my life dedicated to. After my own experiences with disordered eating & over-exercizing, then dismantling conditioned ways of being, to finally feeling good in my mind, body, & soul, nothing makes me happier than watching your whole Self shine.


I’m a little different cuz

I really give a damn about the science behind what I do (my background is in holistic nutrition therapy and functional nutrition). Yet, I also have a deep reverence for the sacred and esoteric. From meditation to the microbiome, you’ll be amazed at how your wellbeing is impacted by it all.


Bottom Line:

working together is way more than nutrition: it’s mind-body-spirit wellness, life coaching, food shifts, and sometimes being a straight-up therapist to hold the space you didn’t know you needed.


I really, really believe in

The power of nutrition & lifestyle shifts to heal chronic issues and make you feel vibrant AF will forever floor me ⏤ and so far, it doesn’t fail to have the same effect on my clients when we do the work, too. It’s my intention to educate you and experiment with you as we explore just what it’s capable of, tangibly.


The Street Cred

If it interests you, here’s my professional & personal journey.

  • ✦ BS Sociology, Northeastern University
    | 2004

    ✦ FNTP, Nutritional Therapy Association
    | 2019

    ✦ RWS Level 1, Restorative Wellness Solutions
    | 2020

  • Once upon a time, I went through many phases of disordered eating (taking diet pills, calorie restriction + over exercising), paired nicely with body dysmorphia and terribly low self-worth/self-image which made for some deeply rooted negative stories and thought patterns. I continued to make myself smaller hoping to fit in.

    After hitting rock bottom being burnt out from Corporate America and getting laid off within the same two week period of losing someone really close to me tragically, I was stripped down of everything that I had my self identity tied up into [job, fancy title, big paychecks].

    It was during this period that I spent time in nature, getting quiet, going inward and figuring out what I wanted to do next. After an incredible conversation with a family friend over lunch who had just been diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis, everything became clear on my way home.

    I applied to holistic nutrition school that afternoon and got the last spot in the upcoming program that was going to be based out of Denver, CO.

    And now, 5 years later, I have gotten to work with heaps of amazing humans reconnecting to their Whole Self. ♡