Bringing Mindfulness + Intention into Eating

When was the last time you turned your phone off and sat down at a table and ate a meal without any distractions? We’re often busy-ing ourselves to death – eating on the run, in front of our tv, in the car, on our phones and not being present when we’re eating. When we’re busy and stressed our cortisol levels rise which then hinders our body’s digestion system to work optimally. If we’re eating while we’re so distracted we tend to overeat, not chew our food properly which can lead to bloating, gas, indigestion and a slew of other unpleasant symptoms.  


Ideally we want to be in a parasympathetic state of mind when we’re eating. We want to be calm, grounded, and paying attention to every sensation we’re feeling while we’re eating. Having gratitude for the meal we’ve prepared or purchased to nourish ourSelf. Taking the time to properly chew each bite (ideally 30 chews per bite. Crazy. I know, but it’s true). Actually tasting and savoring the flavors. Paying attention to your body’s signals telling you it’s getting to satiation – and then listening to that feeling. 

I realize that is a very ideal scenario and the reality of life is that it likely won't happen every day, let alone three times a day at each mealtime. Life is all about balance, the magic is where you’re able to integrate enough of these practices to find the sweet spot for you. When you feel full and satiated after each meal, you’re not overfull and bloated or heavy feeling. Your energy stays consistent throughout the day before and after mealtimes, and you’re having regular bowel movements. 

Try setting an intention to allow yourself the time and space to enjoy your meals. Take time plating your meal in a nice vessel and arrange it to look appetizing for you. Take a few deep breaths before you begin eating, and enjoy each bite knowing that you’re nourishing yourself. Have gratitude for each bite and see how your experience shifts.

big love xo 

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